Young Adult Author Scott Westerfeld to Visit Crossroads

September 17, 2014

Young adult author Scott Westerfeld will visit Crossroads on Monday, September 29 to speak with ninth and tenth students about the creative writing process and his latest book, Afterworlds. Westerfeld has written many science fiction novels, including the Uglies series. Westerfeld also tries his hand at steampunk in the Leviathan trilogy. Publisher’s Weekly described Leviathan, the second book in the series, as “an exciting and inventive tale of military conflict and wildly reimagined history.” The trilogy is wonderfully illustrated by Keith Thompson.

Afterworlds is about Darcy, an eighteen-year-old who receives a publishing contract for a novel she wrote during NaNoWriMo. Her parents are not happy when she defers her freshman year of college and moves to New York City to live and work as a writer. The chapters in Afterworlds alternate between Darcy’s life in NYC and the life of the main character in Darcy’s novel, Lizzie. Lizzie’s astonishing story takes place in a supernatural realm. To say more would spoil it for the reader!

If you would like to preorder Afterworlds or any other of Westerfeld’s books, print out the this order form, make your selections, and enclose the form and a check in an envelope. Please give the envelope to Susan in the front office.