Individualized Tuition at Crossroads College Prep

Case Study #1
Jeff has one child, age 13.
- His Adjusted Gross Income is $65,000
- Jeff’s savings and retirement assets total $2,000
- Other factors considered by FACTS: mortgage, car payment, health expenses, etc.
Individualized Tuition
for his child at Crossroads:
Case Study #2
Louise and Nadia have two children, ages 12 and 15; both attend Crossroads College Prep.
- Their combined Adjusted Gross Income is $155,000
- They have a total of $100,000 in retirement and savings
- Other factors considered by FACTS: rent, health expenses, 503 plan for college savings, etc.
Individualized Tuition
for their child at Crossroads:
Case Study #3
Vince and Sabrina have three children; one of their children attends private school and the other two attend a parochial elementary school.
- Their combined Adjusted Gross Income is $180,000
- They have $60,000 in retirement and savings
- Other factors considered by FACTS: mortgage, car payment, debt, etc.
Individualized Tuition
for their child at Crossroads:
2025-2026 Tuition
Individualized Tuition paid by Crossroads families for the 2025-2026 school year ranges from $5,790- $30,715.
An estimated additional $400 should cover the cost of books and other school expenses. Crossroads Individualized Tuition covers most additional costs such as middle school and ninth grade camping trips, field trips, art supplies, AP test fees, and one ACT test. Individualized Tuition does not include lunch or purchases at the Current Café.
Individualized Tuition Application
Getting an Individualized Tuition for your family is simple. Start by completing the online application through FACTS (a third-party organization that is widely used by independent schools across the nation). This application allows Crossroads to consider important elements of your family’s financial situation like your income, total assets, family size, and other factors to determine the appropriate Individualized Tuition for you.
Of course, your family situation is so much more than a collection of numbers put through an application. Take advantage of the application questions that allow you to add any other information about your situation, or contact our Admission Team: email or 314-367-8085.