
Middle School (grades 6-8)

Middle school is a developmental period when young people are absorbed in defining themselves and beginning to explore the world beyond their families. Students investigate new courses, new ideas, new friends, and a new school community.

Crossroads College Preparatory School teachers prepare middle school students for high school by blending traditional content with active, participatory learning and by encouraging students to move from logical, concrete thinking to abstract reasoning in all areas of study.

The middle school academic program provides:

  • Analytical study of literature and social studies
  • Challenging and flexible study of mathematics
  • Hands-on, exploratory study of biological, chemical, and earth and environmental sciences
  • Beginning Mandarin and Spanish, with an emphasis on speaking the language and cultural exploration

The faculty fosters students’ academic success with the following offerings:

  • Exploratory courses — including art, drama, makerspace, music, and computers — are designed to provide middle school students with an introduction to areas that may be unfamiliar to them
  • Cooperative investigation is a vital part of the program through the practice of effective communication, conflict resolution, tolerance and acceptance of differences, and balancing of individual and community needs
  • Essential study skills are taught such as note-taking, outlining, test preparation, organizing homework, and prioritizing time

Upper School (grades 9-12)

The upper school academic program emphasizes mastery of rich content in the humanities, natural sciences, world languages, and the arts. Individual progress is measured by students’ refinement of skills and ability to demonstrate their understanding of the material studied. Faculty members work closely with each student to hone the following skills:

  • Writing logically, precisely, and substantively
  • Taking accurate notes and assimilating diverse materials
  • Listening actively and speaking effectively in class
  • Pursuing the complexities of a subject through questioning and additional study
  • Problem-solving independent of a teacher
  • Mastering the processes necessary to perform well on various types of tests and exams
  • Applying what has previously been learned to new tasks
  • Effectively communicating original ideas
  • Meeting deadlines and completing tasks thoroughly
  • Taking pride in one’s accomplishments, including the successful selection of a college of one’s choice


Students take at least one elective course per school year (or two one-semester courses) to expand their scholarship. These courses include classes in the fine arts and practical arts as well as additional courses in social studies, English, math, and science. Electives fulfill requirements for graduation. Descriptions of electives can be found in the Curriculum Guide.

Activity Classes

As part of the regular school day, a wide range of extracurricular “activity” classes is offered from which students choose according to their interests. All students take an activity as they use their imaginations to discover their potential, and many activity classes are student-led. Offerings vary from year to year, and a comprehensive list of recent offerings can be found in the Curriculum Guide. Some frequently-offered activities include:

  • Archery
  • Fencing
  • Chess
  • Mock Trial
  • Robotics
  • Yearbook