Welcome Home: A Message from Mark and Sarah

August 16, 2023

Seeing all the smiling faces at the Back to School Picnic was the perfect way to start the week, and today the Crossroads community of 2023-24 shared its first day together. While there is much that is new this year (5th Day, House, Academic Lab, The Social Institute), the central tenants of what it means to be a good Crossroadian remain the same as it has been since 1974. Our students are charged with carrying on that tradition and reinventing it for today because Crossroads has always been a place that cares deeply about learning and growing for both the mind and the heart. 

The faculty and staff at Crossroads have been hard at work preparing to make this year even better than last. We cannot wait for you to bring your energy, inspiration, and joy back to Crossroads. YOU – our dear students, families, and alums – are the lifeblood of Crossroads. From 5th Day to our 50th anniversary, this year holds opportunities for surprises, deep learning, and celebration galore!

Coming back to school after the summer can be a transition, but hopefully, your return to Crossroads will feel as comfortable and relieving as returning home after a long trip. We want to make the transition as easy and celebratory as possible, so please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or needs!

Thank you all!
Sarah & Mark