Virtual Learning Plan


Thanks to our routine use of Portals and g-suite, our students are already well practiced in how to proceed. Just as students would check Portals each day for homework, now Portals will also include expanded work for our virtual Crossroads school day.

Please read below for details on how your child(ren) will be expected to engage in their classes during this time.

How classes will occur:

Classes will not meet at a scheduled time during virtual learning. Each weekday that your class would normally occur, by 8:30 am, teachers will post the work/lesson for that day on the Portal. The Portal will include all necessary instructions and links.

  • As indicated above, in order to accommodate families, classes will not meet synchronously. Instead, once the daily lesson is posted, students should engage and complete work prior to 8:30 am the following day. See more details under “How and When Assignments Should be Submitted.”
  • Please note: Students will continue to have the same classes daily.  The following classes will have daily lessons uploaded by 8:30 a.m.:
    • Monday: A, B, C, D, E, F, & G blocks
    • Tuesday: A, B, C, D, E, F, & G blocks
    • Wednesday: A, B, C, & D blocks
    • Thursday: E, F, G, & Enrichment (if applicable) blocks
    • Friday: A, B, C, D, E, F, & G blocks

How assignments will be posted:

  • All assignments will be posted on Portals, unless otherwise notified by the teacher.

How and when assignments should be submitted:

  • Assignments should be submitted via email or other g-suite medium (google docs, google forms, etc.) as explained by the teacher in the assignment instructions.
  • All assignments will be due by 8:30 am on the due date.
    • Daily class work will be expected by 8:30 am the day after it is received
    • Homework and longer assignments will be given a due date at the time they are
  • Please note that all class and grade-level late work policies will still apply.
    • If your student cannot engage in class for the day, or is sick when an assignment
      is due, please email per our usual

Who to contact if you have issues or questions:

  • If you have any questions regarding our virtual learning process or procedures, please contact, 314-367-8085 ex 213, Cell: 314-625-6677
  • If you have any technical issues regarding access to Portals or your email, please contact, 314-367-8085 ex 230, Cell: 314-775-4162
  • If you have questions regarding an assignment or lesson, please contact the classroom teacher via their email.
  • If you need learning support, please contact our Learning Strategist,, 314-367-8085 ex 204.
  • If you need counseling or emotional support, please contact our Guidance Counselor at, 314-367-8085 ex 270.

College Counseling
All college counseling meetings will continue with Becky on a virtual platform. If you have any college counseling questions, please contact, 314-367-8085 ex 214. Becky will also continue her college counseling newsletter as usually scheduled.

Useful links and login information:

  • Portals:
  • Faculty and staff directory:
  • Online Library Resources: MOREnet and EBSCOhost databases:
    • User ID: morenetccps
    • Password: 4current@Crossrds

During virtual learning, please expect an email from me each Monday morning reminding students to go to Portals for that week’s learning. I will also include any necessary updates and resources in these weekly blasts.