Updates from the Admission Office

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Student and Parent Breakfast
Current 8th grade students and parents and prospective 9th grade students and parents, this breakfast is for YOU on Thursday, January 22, 2015, 8:00 – 8:45 a.m.

Please join us in the cafeteria for the annual 8th grade breakfast to look toward Upper School and the adventure that lies ahead. RSVP by January 20.

Application Deadline
Just a reminder that admissions applications for the 2015-2016 school year for new students are due on Friday, January 16.  Please click here to access the application.  For more information, please contact Maggie, Director of Admission, maggie@crossroadscollegeprep.org

Financial Aid Applications
Financial Aid applications for new and returning students are due on Monday, January 26.  Please click here to access the FACTS application.  If you have questions, please contact Brett Chappell, brett@crossroadscollegeprep.org.