The Wednesday Notice: 1/10/18



Returning to school after any extended break is exciting for me. It was a joy to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to Crossroads and to begin second semester on Monday. We have much to look forward to semester, including Poetry Out Loud, the Celebration of Black Arts, Field Day, and the graduation of our senior class.

One of the delights of my work is reading comments that teachers write about each student at the end of the semester. I learn a great deal about students and gain insight into the rigor and vigor of our academic program. It is clear to me from these comments that teachers know our students, believe in their potential, and have great expectations for them. It is also clear to me that our students are curious, creative, and committed learners and thinkers.

As I told students on Monday, the work of second semester will be difficult and good. I also reminded them that they are smart and good, and together we’ll end the year more enriched than we began.

With great expectations,