Thanksgiving Potluck
Tuesday, November 24th 12:30-2:00pm
Each grade level student helps to bring a dish to contribute to the potluck.
7th grade Stuffing/Mashed potatoes
8th grade Drinks (no sodas, please)
9th grade Desserts (pies, cakes, brownies, cupcakes)
10th grade Pre-Made Salads
11th grade Side Dishes/Appetizers (Green bean casserole/Ravs/etc.)
12th grade Gravy, Cranberry relish and wild card (turducken, Lona’s, Meskerem, international dishes, etc.)
If you are a vegetarian, vegan, keep kosher, or have any kind of dietary restriction, any dish you bring to share will be welcomed. Please bring dishes that will feed ten plus people in either a microwaveable container labeled with your name or a recyclable aluminum tray. Cold dishes can be refrigerated in the south or north kitchen.
Talent Show 2:00-3:15pm
The sign up sheet is located outside of the school store. Possible acts could include…drum solos, unicycle tricks, circus performances, songs, juggling, card tricks, comedy bits, lip syncing, grade level dances, mini plays, dance performances, etc. If you have any questions please email Jad at Thank you and we look forward to another fun community event!