Teacher Development and Observations

February 24, 2015

Even teachers as dedicated and excellent as the faculty of Crossroads benefit from classroom observation by a person serving as an eloquent mirror. Observations offer pedagogical dialogue and careful, intentional reflection. We ask all our teachers to participate in meaningful professional development, of which observations are a central piece. With our faculty reflecting and continuing to grow, we bring your children excellence in its many forms.

Our internal professional development process begins in second quarter when we write a “professional growth plan” appropriate to where we are in our teaching careers and where we see excellence taking us from here. In second quarter, department chairs visit every teacher; and in quarters two and three, Jason and I visit every teacher; we have enjoyed these visits to arts, science, social studies, technology, English, foreign language, and more.

January and February are my chance for a close look at every teacher’s classroom. It is amazing how much is going on in these rooms! I learn from my colleagues as well as offering them reflection on their professional growth plan, affirming success and pursuing continued growth.

I wish all of you could see what I see every day: teachers, loving what they do, bringing excellence in a variety of ways, and helping our students reach their potential in all areas. How lucky I am to be part of this community!

Sarah Pierson Wolff,
Dean of Faculty