Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6, 2015

Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important
members of society because their professional efforts
affect the fate of the earth.” ― Helen Caldicott



I often describe the work of a teacher as minute-by-minute. Teachers are responsible for decisions as they plan and for decisions-on-the-spot as they teach. This calls for great flexibility and nuance.

I remember my favorite teachers, Miss Drake, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Vermeire, Mrs. Richter, Sr. Theodora. I remember my teaching mentors from my first years as a teacher, Brian Hayes and Dana Simpson West. And I remember the fantastic teachers I have observed and evaluated here, at Hixson Middle School, and at Northeast Middle School. I would not be the person, the teacher, or the leader I am, if not for my experiences with these teachers.

This semester, I returned to the daily experience of the classroom as an English teacher at Crossroads. I teach one class. We read, we discuss, and we write short fiction. Having returned to the classroom, I understand more than ever before the care, the precision, the thoughtfulness, and the energy that teaching requires. This semester has been a good lesson and a good reminder for me.

I believe that the work of our students, the work of our teachers, is smart and good. I feel fortunate to be able to lead and to teach as part of this community, so I thank you, on behalf of our faculty, for all the ways you have acknowledged our smart and good work during this week.

With great expectations,