These students began designing their bridges back in November and have spent months researching, designing, redesigning, a nd carefully building their bridges, while documenting their process in a report. At the competition bridges are scored in five categories: maximum weight load before failure, weight efficiency, aesthetics, working within specifications, and the written report.
The team of Matt Larson, Maya Acharya, and LaVaughn Caradine won first place with a bridge that held 32.6lbs and scored very well in the other categories as well.
The team of Katie Stujenske, Evan Chen, Aaron McDaniel, and Allison Pautler won the prize for Most Visually Appealing, by scoring highest in the Aesthetics category. Their bridge also did well in the overall competition.
The team of Jack Phan, Da vid Dong, A’Dana Smith, and Milton Green also participated and performed very respectfully in the competition. They also had the highest scoring report of all the teams. Join me in congratulating them on their success and hard work.