
Stage Combat Guest Educator Packs a Punch

September 27, 2023

Our 5th Day Theatre course spent nearly three hours with guest educator Erik Kuhn, an actor, theater technician, and stage combat instructor. Kuhn is a Washington University alum who has visited Crossroads as a guest theatre educator for several years now.

This visit, he taught our 5th Day Theatre students the basics of stage combat and choreographed fighting. They started with safety basics, then learned how to fall, “slap,” and “kick” each other – all blows fake and staged, of course! The students were so inspired by Kuhn, they independently started developing narratives and short skits to contextualize to their stage fights.

Students and educators Kuhn and Lizi Watt then started applying their new skills to actual fight scenes in the upcoming Fall Play, She Kills Monsters (November 2, 4, and 5). Save the date to come see students apply all they have learned in their 5th Day Theatre course!