Deep into first semester, many familiar assignments, activities, and projects are underway as well as some new ones.
Middle School students are dissecting frogs in their Bio Systems class and studying proportionality and the similarity of triangles in math via the new Desmos curriculum.
AP Lit will finally understand the term “kafkaesque” as they tackle The Metamorphosis.
This month the Social Studies department is hosting
Denise Lieberman, Director of the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition, to speak about voting rights.
Susan Halla, Vice President of TransParent, to speak about advocacy work at the state level.
7th graders are studying the Partition of India, one of the largest and most violent mass migrations in history, while reading The Night Diary, an epistolary novel following a girl caught in the middle.
The AP Psychology scholars are (in their words) “debunking elementary school lies” about senses and perceptions.
Intro to Engineering has some new mission-aligned projects in its curriculum: currently, they are working with the art department to design and produce adaptive devices for artists with physical disabilities to allow them to continue their creative work.
The Middle School Music class has been hosting area musician Justin Nelson twice a week; an expert pianist and percussionist, he is teaching rhythm and basic music theory.
And the always popular Classics Festival is on (albeit with some COVID mitigations), but the togas and in-role speeches remain, as alum remember well.
As well as classes buzzing along, the building has been alive with the joy of returning to in-person activities (masked): Double Rainbow, general Spirit Week festivities, Homecoming, Drive-in Movie Night, Senior Nights for tennis, volleyball, and soccer, Halloween Costume Competition, and Trick-or-Treating. Loud applause please for the students who are doing the work, playing together on the courts, cheering for their peers, dressing up, and recapturing pre-COVID joy.
Happy November!
Sarah and Mark