Signs of Growth: A Message from Mark and Sarah

March 2, 2023

During our daily middle school advisory time last week, we asked students to think about one or two words that were most meaningful to them. As students went home for the weekend to think about it, Gretchen shared her words: gratitude and relationships. If you know Gretchen, you might have guessed those words. They perfectly express our network of mutuality, our community; we are indeed grateful for the many relationships that sustain this place of learning — students, parents, staff, alums, neighbors, and mission-aligned organizations. We need you all as we work to grow Crossroads!

There is no better way for a family to hear about us than from you. Please take a minute to spread the good word:
  • Follow us on InstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn, and share our posts with your own network.
  • Shout out a teacher on social media.
  • Invite a neighbor to tour.
  • Share your alumni news.
As we hopefully await spring (and no more ice!) there are several more signs of growth happening around Crossroads:
  • After their most successful season in our history, our baseball team returns this week for pre-season practice, including senior Jacob Mishkin who has signed to play college ball.
  • Work is moving on two major grants, seeds we hope will bring crops in abundance.
  • Our board of trustees is talking with and looking for the next class of trustees and is particularly interested in adding alumni to their ranks. Send your recommendations here!
  • 75% of our faculty are attending an end-of-year professional development together so that they end the year energized and dreaming about all that will be possible next year.
  • In addition to growth, sustaining the traditions we already have is vital. Congratulations to our students in the Black Student Union for an exceptional Black Arts Explosion, begun years ago by alum Chris Page ’05 and continued ever since by successive generations of Crossroadians!
  • And, the biggest calendar reminder that spring is on the way: spring break is only two weeks away with Parent-Student-Teacher conferences the two days before.
Sarah & Mark