Among a wall of comics, images, and fun memes on learning Mandarin, Diana Corey’s classroom displays a poster of the language’s one thousand most widely used characters. The dedicated Crossroads students who take Mandarin have a goal of eventually learning these and more (Diana herself knows between 4,000-5,000 characters). As the most widely spoken language in the world and the …
New Faculty Spotlight: Debra Mein
A working actor for nearly 20 years, Deb Mein joined Crossroads this year as the theater teacher, eager to share her passion for teaching young people theater in a collaborative community. Deb’s background as an actor and director leading students of all ages has taken her to all corners of the country. “I was one of those actors subletting my …
All Connected
New Middle School Science Curriculum Integrates Subjects Parents may remember sitting in their seventh and eighth grade science classes and learning biology throughout an entire year without touching on other disciplines. Those days are in the past at Crossroads with the help of a new middle school science curriculum. “All science is connected, and our new science curriculum reflects that,” …