Sign Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences

March 4, 2020

Parent-Teacher Conference Day at Crossroads College Preparatory School are Thursday, October 22, 2020 and Friday, October 23, 2020. At Crossroads, we believe these conferences are essential to learning. Please plan about an hour on that date to meet several of your child’s teachers to discuss progress for the year.

Importance of Parent-Teacher Conferences

Conferences will be held Thursday, October 22, 4:30-7pm and Friday, October 23, 7:30am-1pm: the meetings are ten minutes each. Each family is encouraged to sign up for four conferences – three academic classes and one other. The “other” might be an art or music class, a counselor, sports or PE, computers or library, advisory, etc. Please limit yourself to three academic classes as we cannot logistically meet everyone for more than three, and please do sign up for one class other than academics as we highly value the activities beyond the English, Math, Science, History, and Foreign Language classrooms. Students will not have school on Friday’s conference day and are strongly encouraged to attend both Thursday and Friday conferences with their parents.

Register for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Families should make their conference appointments online through School Appointments. The site will send a confirmation by email, and you can go in at any point to review your appointments. The site closes at midnight on Wednesday, October 21. To register for appointments after that time, you must sign up in person on the day of conferences by choosing a time on the teacher’s doors.

Directions for signing up:

      1. Follow this link:
      2. Create a new account by clicking “Click Here to Register.” For those of you who have had accounts in the past, you will need to re-register as we clear the accounts at the close of every school year.
      3. Select a student to show their teachers’ calendar availability for both conference days.
      4. For your convenience, multiple teachers can be selected at one time with the “ctrl” key on PCs and the “command” key on Macs.
      5. Once the appointments are made, the screen will display your appointments for each child.
      6. When you “Return to Home Page,” your students and appointments will be listed. You may book additional appointments later or book for another student.
  1. Contact our Registrar, Chiriga Bogan-Garrett, if you have questions.