Students at Crossroads engage in a challenging college prep academic program every day they walk through our doors. In addition, most students also have busy lives outside of the classroom. Dedication to sports, the arts, work, and family characterize our students. With so many demands on their time, it’s no wonder we’ve heard students say they feel like it’s hard to find time to focus on their homework after the school day ends.
This year, we have implemented Academic Lab as a way to help alleviate that stress. Two to three times a week, students are placed in small groups and given the time and space they need to do their academic work. Each Academic Lab is proctored by a teacher who helps students focus on organization and goal setting in terms of their academic work. Academic Lab proctors also keep an eye out for any missing work a student may have. In addition to the time and space for academic work, Academic Lab also provides time for students to have a snack during the morning and make meaningful connections with other adults in the community. We want every student to feel seen and supported, known and needed in academics as much as any other field!