Parent Teacher Student Conferences will be held on March 11 and March 12 4:00-8:00pm.
One of the important ways we as a school help our students, your children, grow into their potential is through dialogue. Conferences are the formal time we put aside for this dialogue. Grades alone cannot communicate the work children do, and these conferences help fill that gap. Moreover, they offer dialogue rather than the one-way and limited communication of grade reporting.
In the last week of classes before Spring Break, we will hold parent-teacher-student conferences from 4:00 to 8:00 on Wednesday 3/11 and Thursday 3/12. You will have third quarter grades in hand at this time as the quarter ends on Friday March 6th. Your conferences will discuss success to date and the work that lies ahead in the months remaining in the semester. Upper school students’ grades are by semester: this is a halfway point. For middle school students, the quarter grade is a discrete and final grade.
The family’s role is to
- choose an evening and put it on your calendar
- choose three academic conferences
- choose one conference in a non-academic area (PE, music, sports, arts, theater, counselor)
- SIGN UP for conferences
- access your account
- the link closes Wednesday 3/11 at noon.
- remember to choose the right night (Wednesday or Thursday)
- If you have forgotten your username or password, click on the “Forgot Password” link.
- Email Paula if you have questions (
Conferences are ten minutes, and we recommend leaving ten minutes between each to avoid having to scurry between rooms. Full time teachers are available both evenings; our part-time teachers are available as follows:
Maggy-Noelle Schmoeker (French) Wednesday evening
Brittyne Fitzgerald (AP US Hist and AP US Gov) Wednesday evening
Kristen McCullough (Spanish A, B, I, II) Thursday evening
For current 10th grade families, we are holding a parent meeting on Wednesday, March 11th at 7:00 to discuss registration and preparing a strong resume for college. Elaine, our college counselor, will offer an overview of our college counseling process. Parents attending this meeting may choose to hand in their children’s registration forms that night after our meeting.
Additionally, please recall that there is no school on Friday March 13th. We look forward to seeing you at conferences!
Sarah Pierson Wolff
Dean of Faculty