Poetry Outloud 2017

January 18, 2017

Congratulations to every Crossroads student, as each memorized a poem for our annual Poetry Out Loud recitation contest last week. Particularly, we wish to recognize the 21 students whose recitations were so good that they advanced within their class competitions to compete again.

grade-level competitors:
7th: Julia Wolff, Lauren Moore
8th: Ben Clair, Max Blatter, Dorissa Tyndall, and Ellie Hughes
9th: Olivia Smith, Camden Breckenridge, Sophia Alai, Alyssa Knoerle
10: Emily Hirshman, Malaika Pedzayi-Ferguson, Samantha Nelson, Eyvind Hovmand-Warner, Allison Ryan
11th: Jackson Buhr, Esme Call, Nyla Long
12th: Abby Feinstein, Elysse Price, David Dong
Tuesday, we held the school-wide competition with a single representative from each grade. You may watch the performances on the CurrentNewz YouTube channel.
And finally, after all the judges’ notes were tallied, Elysse Price (class of 2017) has won the school competition and will
advance to the Regional P.O.L. competition which will be held on February 1st at 8:00 am at Springboard (1310 Papin, on
the lower level).  Congratulations, Elysse!
Poetry Out Loud’s history at Crossroads

Every year, the Crossroads English department sponsors our school’s participation in this national competition in the memorization and recitation of poetry; every child in the school participates; simply reciting the poem correctly is a success, but we also compete and name a single winner from each grade who performs at an all-school assembly; from this competition, we will select a school winner to represent the school.

In 2012, 2013, and 2014 years, Crossroads winners went on to States. In 2012 and 2013, those students won the Missouri competition and went on to Nationals in Washington, D.C. While we love this objective recognition of the children’s excellence with literature, most important to us is that every child learn and love a poem.