Pizza, Art, and Basketball

February 17, 2016


Last night’s Pizza, Art, and Basketball was such a success! Our students and families were welcoming and engaging to our new and prospective Crossroads families. The art studios and Makerspace were active, and children and adults enjoyed pizza, these activities, and cupcakes. It was also great to see the bleachers in the gym filled as they were for Senior Night! Many of our new and prospective families found their way into the gym for some of both basketball games.

Pizza, Art, and Basketball is one of several ways we work to include new and prospective families. We have the Ice Cream Social in the spring and other events to look forward to as well. In the meantime, though, Corinne, Kim, and I have been visiting the schools from which many of our seventh grade applicants come. These schools are always very welcoming and provide a great deal of information and context in support of their applicants to Crossroads.

I am impressed by how well these feeder schools know their students. We have interesting and joyful conversations about what great young people we have applying to Crossroads. I am also impressed (and grateful) that our feeder schools know what Crossroads can offer their graduates. Our academic program and our community are often cited as strengths and as benefits for their graduates. I look forward to what our new students add these and other aspects of the Crossroads experience.

This week our Foreign Language Department is hosting its annual MultiCultural Potluck, another great community event reflective of our values and of aspects of our foreign language curriculum and experience, so I hope to see you Thursday.

With great expectations,