More than Learned Kids

July 27, 2016


I haven’t written anything this summer to include in the Wednesday Notice, but last week I had a meeting with alumni parent, donor, and friend to Crossroads Steve Littlejohn. Steve and I talked about many interesting things, and I want to share a few of them with you today. They inspire my excitement for Crossroads and for the beginning of the school year.

Steve talked about how Crossroads is producing “more than learned kids” and that Crossroads “gives people the fundamentals so that they can be what they want to be.” He went on to describe this as inspiring students’ passions so that they can pursue what they love, make a living, and live an integrated life.

I find his language and perspective compelling, and it all makes sense to me when I think about how some of the essential components of our students’ experiences here translate beyond graduation. When young people use their intelligence and skills as tools for making things better, when they are smart and good, they are “more than learned.” When everyone has a voice and can be themselves, there is opportunity, space, and practice for pursuing passions and living as a whole person. I hold these ideas as both true and aspirational, meaning that I believe this is who we are while at the same time believing we can do it better.

We will all have the opportunity to do this together when school begins on August 17th! I am grateful to Steve for inspiring my thinking this week and am looking forward to the 2016-2017 school year.

With great expectations,