Mock Trial Wins Round One!


On January 21 Crossroads competed in the first round of the Missouri High School Mock Trial Competition at the St. Louis County Courthouse. The Mock Trial team, representing the defendant in a case about high school bullying, defeated Kirkwood High School on a 3-0 decision. The defendant team was made up of student attorneys Tova Cohen, Kellen King, Jake Strum, and Andrew Koller and witnesses Faith Blank, Callista Martin, and Manny Gerbi. The plaintiff team will compete in the second round of competition on February 18. Congratulations to the team, faculty coach Shadi Peterman, and attorney coach Steve Strum (parent of Jake Strum), and good luck in Round Two!

Mock Trial Conference

Crossroads mock trial students conferencing with attorney and Crossroads parent Steve Strum in the courtroom. Congratulations to the team: student attorneys Tova Cohen, Kellen King, Jake Strum, and Andrew Koller (not pictured) and witnesses Faith Blank, Callista Martin, and Manny Gerbi, timekeeper Truman Doyle, and faculty coach Shadi Peterman (not pictured).