Middle School Science Fair 2016 Winners


The Middle School Science Fair 2016 winners were presented with prizes and certificates last Monday during morning announcements. Congratulations to all of them, and all of our Middle School, for their hard work!

Quinn Cage
“Set in Stone”
Grand Prize
1st place, 7th grade
Best Environmental Science Project
Best Logbook
“Set in Stone”

Kyle Tomasula
“Plants Need Soil to Grow, or Do They?”
2nd place, 7th grade
Best Plant or Animal Science Project

Laya Young
“WTW: Where’s the Water?”
3rd place, 7th grade

Jena Denney
“Airing out the Difference.”
4th place, 7th grade

Caroline Buchholz
“Bird’s Eye View”

Kiera Warren & Amelia Adams
“Rockin’ with Auxin”
Best Title

Meg Corbett & Maya Gregory
1st place, 8th grade
“You Batter Believe It”
Best Chemistry, Materials, or Bioengineering Project
Best Graphs, Charts, and Figures

Nicholas Babusis
“Radiation Dispersal”
2nd place, 8th grade
Best Physics, Engineering, Earth and Space Science
Best Writing

McKinlee Morris
3rd place, 8th grade
Best Medicine and Health Project

Catherine Birch
“What’s the Score?”
4th place, 8th grade

Parker Lake
“Backpack Plating”
Most Original Project

Zoe Zigler
Science with a Conscience Award

Crossroads has been given 10 spots for the Greater St. Louis Science Fair, to be held April 26th at Queeny Park. The winners above will be given first priority if they wish to attend. After that, Julia will consider other students who wish to participate.

Howard and Julia wish to thank all of our judges, too: Emily Owen, Cliff Sodergren, Carolyn Herman, Algis Babusis, Tosha Pearson, Rick Ramirez, Pam Venn, Nick Batz, Lance Cage, Jarot Guerra, Elizabeth Birch, Faith Blank, Enoch Body, LaVaughn Caradine, Evan Chen, Claire Corliss, Sarah Crawford, David Dong, Grace Gerbi, Callista Martin, Rachael John, Siane Moore, Essence Paige, A’Dana Smith, Kayla Sullivan, Kieran Uhlmansiek, and Afia Williams. Thanks to Vallyse Nelson for help with setting up.