Middle School Lock-In: Thank You!

February 4, 2015

IMG_4004The 2015 MS Lock-In was a grand success!  Thank you to all who participated and volunteered.  When students sat down at the beginning of the lock-in, Blair Williams, 8th grade StuCo rep, addressed the MS and described the activities for the night.  Then Mark Norwood spoke with them and outlined three goals/rules for the night:

  1. Make choices that deeepen and strengthen our Network of Mutuality.
  2. Make it easy for others to be their better selves.
  3. The Grandma Rule: If you would do it if your grandma was standing next to you, it is probably OK (unless you have a really wild grandma).

Last year, students chose to do away with cell phones at the lock-in; students this year agreed to do the same.  They wanted to be fully present and not divide their attention between friends here and friends elsewhere.

We gather for the lock-in to build community, and while playing kickball at 1:00am or sitting at a table for dinner, our students continue to weave together their stories and build memories that are often recounted at the Senior Potluck, just days before walking across the stage at graduation.

A big thank you to Blaire (and her family), Kristen, Mohamad, Lori (and helper Lorinn), Louise, Hugh, Jason, Diana, Martha, and Mark.