Middle School Advisory Retreat: Camp Lakewood


2015-08-20 15.15.30  This year’s middle school held up the high standard set by middle schools past and should feel proud of the way they began to build their new community.  Time together at Camp Lakewood helped form new friendships and strengthen old ones.  In the process of working together, eating together, staying up late, and bunking in the cabins, our middle school bonded and headed back to Crossroads College Prep with a new and renewed commitment to form a lasting educational community.  While we were at camp for three days, the students seemed to experience a month’s worth of social interaction in which they came to know and better understand the “network of mutuality,” a concept at the heart of our primary tenet.

Our eighth graders set the tone, and our seventh graders added their own unique stamp on the experience,  It was a beautiful thing to behold!

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