Justice Pulse

February 25, 2015


Several articles in this week’s Wednesday Notice are a result of the “justice pulse” we keep at Crossroads. You can read articles about Social Justice activity’s learning tour of Ferguson, about our recent Black History Month Lunch and Learns, and about a Black History Month celebration planned for this Friday. All of these are student-led initiatives. You’ll also find pictures from our Multicultural Potluck, a reminder about participating in an African American Read-In, an article about one of our Good Work partners, and information about a raffle designed to defray the cost of prom so this experience is more accessible to more of our students.

At first glance, all of this may seem obviously Crossroadian. We are committed to finding our own voices and selves while discovering the voices and selves and others. Our mission names diversity and inclusion explicitly. We expect these kinds of activities and experiences to be a part of life at Crossroads. What makes me particularly proud of these experiences, though, is that they are often student-generated or student-led. Responding to the voices of the young people at Crossroads makes our justice pulse stronger. Relying on their questions and leadership deepens our experience of the network of mutuality we seek to embody.

So as you read through this week’s articles, notice where our students have influenced our work, where their questions have prompted our learning, and where their voices have helped us to listen to one another better.

With great expectations,