How to Register for Conferences

October 21, 2014

Families will make their conference appointments online through School Appointments. You may set up your account any time with this link. The site closes on Thursday the 23rd at noon. To register for appointments after that time, you may come on Friday the 24th (the day of conferences) and sign up on the teachers’ doors if there are spaces remaining. The site will send a confirmation by email, and you can go in at any point to see your appointments.

On the site, click the “register” tab, and fill in the form to create an account (all fields are required).

  • Your user ID is “last name.first name” without the quotation marks and spaces. For instance mine would be wolff.sarah.
  • “Add a student” (here, you may insert another student).
  • For your convenience, multiple teachers can be selected at one time with the “ctrl” key on PCs and the “command” key on Macs.
  • Once the appointments are made, the screen will display your appointments for each child.
  • When you “Return to Home Page,” you will do so with the students and appointments listed. You may book additional appointments later or book for another student.
  • Call or e-mail Paula at Crossroads if you have questions.