This has been the question in all of our nearly 50 years and remains the central question as the number of school-age children continues to decrease in this area and the cost of private school education continues to increase. We know that more students need what Crossroads offers, and your word-of-mouth “advertising” remains our single best tool.
As we find ways to extend the reach of the Crossroads story, please consider sharing a few key factors with friends and neighbors:
Crossroads is one of the best answers to post-Covid education where the value of being known and seen is even more needed and central to happiness and academic success. When we ask you, our community, what was key to your time at Crossroads, this theme comes up time and again. Being free to be the person you really are and being fully seen and challenged to be the best of who you are are central tenants of the Crossroads experience! Both this year and next, we are doubling down on what that means and designing to bring it to the forefront of our work even more.
We use a beautiful, multi-million-dollar complex, not just one building, but many. We do this not by owning but by partnering with other organizations in our neighborhood.
- MADE, a comprehensive, professional makerspace in The Maker District on Delmar, opens early for our makerspace class.
- Our tennis courts are second to none because Dwight Davis is supported by Crossroads and the community at large. In this way, we play on the same courts that host college tournaments and hosted a semi-professional tennis team.
- Our soccer Senior Night will be on the gorgeous Emerson Central Fields in Forest Park.
- Our art collection is second to none because the Saint Louis Art Museum is a four-minute bus ride away, allowing our AIP classes to go to the museum and return to school on time for the next class.
Our facilities are exceptional because we are actively pursuing partnerships in our neighborhood. The City is our campus!

At Crossroads, we realize that choosing an independent school is a significant financial commitment. We believe that all of our students benefit from the diversity of identity, experience, and perspective that comprise our community. What we have done for years takes on a new name — Individualized Tuition — as our way of honoring each family’s contribution to a Crossroads education, at a level that aligns with their ability.
We continue our work with Tim Fish and Mark Mitchell, from the National Association of Independent Schools. What it means to be Crossroadian is clear. Getting others in the region to learn what you already know is our task and we can use your help!
Mark & Sarah