Good Work Partner: EarthDance Farms

January 7, 2015

Earth Dance 3


EarthDance Farm grows food, farmers and community, one small farm at a time, through hands-on education and delicious experiences.  Our Good Work group does farm work, such as planting, weeding, harvesting, and composting.  The spirit at EarthDance has always been very positive!  Thank you to Ann Owens, Ethan Lutjens grandmother, for steering us towards EarthDance.

EarthDance is a non-profit organization that operates an Organic Farm School on the oldest
organic farm west of the Mississippi. Located in the City of Ferguson on  the historic Mueller Farm, which was established in 1883, before the City of Ferguson itself.

EarthDance Organic Farm School offers the part-time organic farming and gardening apprenticeship programs, giving beginning growers an introduction to the skills and practices of sustainable agriculture.

Image and text from  Please visit for more information.


Earth Dance 2 Earth Dance 1