
First Semester Mastery Learning Projects

December 31, 2022

This semester, six Crossroads students completed Mastery Learning Projects. MLPs provide students with an opportunity to explore an area of interest independently over the course of a semester with support from a faculty or staff mentor. The following students completed MLPs this fall.

Sarah Herzog ’23, created a concept for a musical about Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe and wrote the music and lyrics for one song from the musical. She performed the song, accompanied by students Hanan Nathan-Slarskey and Jasmin Mueller, at announcements.

Georgia French ’23, studied the art of papermaking using a variety of materials. Georgia produced numerous forms of paper, including some that were scented, and provided some for people to keep after her presentation.

Maya Fuller ’23, helped coach the middle school volleyball team. She writes that she learned that “coaching is more than just an improvement in skill, but also an improvement in mental attitude.”

Hobie Wolff ’23, completed a project on photojournalism, documenting the stories of several people from the St. Louis area. Hobie notes that it was challenging to approach strangers to ask for their stories and to take their pictures, but she learned a lot from their stories and the experience of conducting interviews.

Josh Vaughan ’25, studied the structure of the human spine and learned how to construct a 3D model of the spine using software, which was then produced on a 3D printer.

Elliot Kopitske ’26, created art out of found/recycled objects. It is currently on display in the Crossroads lobby.