September 17, 2014
First quarter activity classes are up and running (see class list below). Teachers can step out of their normal subject area and offer a class that piques student interest and speaks to a particular passion of the teacher. Every year, some of these classes are conceived of and lead by our students: Literary Magazine, Yearbook, Choir, and Social Justice are all cases in point. Activity classes are also special in our hearts because they help build connections across grade levels; an activity class may have students in it from 7th-12th grades.
Activity class offerings for the first quarter:
- Archery
- Calligraphy
- Chess
- Choir
- CurrentNewz
- Dance Studio
- Darts
- French Culture
- Life Skills
- Literary Magazine
- Media Team
- Mock Trial
- MS Band
- MS Open Studio
- Social Justice
- Song Writing
- Strategic Card Games
- US Open Studio Art
- Walking for Inspiration
- Yearbook