Elections Coming Up: Student Council Representatives for Grades 7-9

August 17, 2014

Student leadership takes many forms at Crossroads College Prep. Students lead by example in the classroom, the athletic field, the stage, the music ensemble, the activity class, and the conversation in the lobby. In addition, there is a more formal leadership option for those interested in serving the student body on Student Council. Officers were elected in the spring, along with grade representatives for grades 10-12.

Students in Grades 7-9 may consider running for Student Council Grade Rep! In addition to serving on Student Council, each grade rep leads a committee of his or her classmates to plan an event:

  • The 9th grade rep leads a committee to plan the 9th Grade Fun Night
  • The 8th grade rep leads a committee to plan the Middle School Lock-in
  • The 7th grade rep leads a committee to plan a Middle School Dance

Here’s the process for students who are interested in running:

  1. Get a candidate contract from Susan at the front desk. Sign it, have a parent sign it, and return it to Susan by Tuesday 9/2 (9th grade) or Tuesday 9/9 (middle school).
  2. Prepare a brief (2 minute) speech for your grade to be given during Community Time on Friday 9/5 (9th grade) or Friday 9/12 (middle school).
  3. Students vote by advisory after the speeches are heard.

Everyone will be given the opportunity to participate on the planning committee for that grade’s event, which is another great way to build leadership experience.

Please contact me if you have any questions,

Martha Keeley,
Student Council Facilitator