
Driving the Delmar Divide on 5th Day

August 31, 2023

Our STL Houses 5th Day course, led by Bryan Pannill, went on a bus tour of the Delmar Divide led by the Missouri History Museum. The week prior, guest Doug Finer, Chief Counsel at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Washington University in St. Louis School of Law graduate, helped students complete a timeline of housing policies in St. Louis.

This week, our students saw the present impact of inequitable policies and displacement projects as they traveled through St. Louis history. The class was joined by 10 Crossroads community members who were as eager to learn and ask questions as our students, and our students benefited by learning their stories of living through certain policies in St. Louis. This field trip was a perfect example of how 5th Day provides more opportunities for community members and organizations to educate our students and learn alongside them.