November 19, 2014
“A book is a device to ignite the imagination.”
Alan Bennett, playwright
Please help us spark the imagination and intellect of Crossroads students by participating in the Crossroads Library Book Fair. There are three simple ways to give books to the library:
- Visit Left Bank Books, 399 N. Euclid Ave., on December 6 (10am-5:30pm) or December 7 (10am-5pm) to shop for gifts or to donate a book to Crossroads from the library’s wish list. Please mention Crossroads to the book seller and the library will receive a percentage of all sales made over the weekend (even for gift certificates).
- Click here to donate a title from the library’s wish list. It is important to type the coupon code “Crossroads” to indicate your donation to the library.
- Do your own gift shopping by clicking here to search for titles or authors in the Left Bank Books catalog. Please type “Crossroads” for the coupon code and the library will receive a percentage of the sale for books or gift certificates. Click here if you would like to order a gift certificate.
Volunteers are needed at Left Bank Books on December 6 and 7 to greet Crossroads supporters and to direct them to the wish list books. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here. Thank you for your help and your support of the Crossroads Library!