Conferences Are Essential to Learning

October 8, 2014

In pursuit of an excellent educational experience for each child, on two different occasions during the school year, we bring parents, students, and teachers together for conferences. These conferences supplement the communication that occurs daily between students and their teachers about work and the grades and notes that we publish to families. Conferences are not merely reporting: they are a dialogue with the parties who care most about each student’s success and who know the children best. They are essential to the learning.

This month, conferences are held from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm on Friday the 24th: the meetings are ten minutes each. Each family is encouraged to sign up for four conferences – three academic classes and one other. The “other” might be an art or dance class, a counselor, sports or PE, computers or library, advisory, etc. Please limit yourself to three academic classes as we cannot logistically meet everyone for more than three, and please do sign up for one class other than academics as we highly value the activities beyond the English, math, science, history, and foreign language classrooms. Students will not have school that day and are strongly encouraged to attend conferences with their parents.