Chess Update: 4/29/2015

April 29, 2015

Annual Chess Potluck

The chess awards night and potluck is Sunday, May 3rd, at the Blank/Groark residence in Compton Heights (St. Louis), between 4 pm and 7 pm. Students from each grade level are requested to bring a dish to share. Please check the regular email blast for further details.

Gateway Chess Awards

The annual awards buffet will be held Wednesday, May 6th, at Golden Corral, 6110 S. Lindbergh. Dinner at 6:30, awards at 7:30. All students who played on Wednesdays or Thursdays this year are invited. The following students will be receiving awards: Ernie McCarter, Matt Larson, Rock Jia, Katie Stujenske, David Dong, and Yossi Rovinsky. We will also be receiving the Eastern Conference 1st place trophy.

Summer Chess Camp

Students interested in improving their skills are invited to enroll in chess camp this summer. Camp will be held mornings from July 27th to July 31st at the school. Advanced players are also invited to help teach younger students basic tactics and opening strategies. Please contact Howard for a registration form and additional information.