This year was an exciting one for Crossroads College Prep Chess! Here’s a wrap-up of the 2018-2019 season.
We began the year with our ice cream social, our way of welcoming new and returning players to the Crossroads College Prep Chess Team and Club. Players served as referees and scorekeepers for the annual Gateway Elementary School Tournament. Our trivia night was a great success, helping raise transportation funds and scholarships for players to attend the 2019 USCF High School Nationals in Schaumburg, Illinois.
Many of our players played in a tournament for the first time this year, and our young team did quite well at Nationals, which took place over spring break from March 14-18. After the tournament concluded, we spent an extra day in Chicago, visiting the Field Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Science and Industry. We received a behind-the-scenes tour at the Field Museum, and the team enjoyed touring the U-boat in the Museum of Science and Industry. We celebrated our season at at the annual awards potluck to conclude another year of Crossroads Chess. Our overall tournament record included:
1st place, Gateway Red Rook Tournament
4th place, HS Division, Gateway Board Tournament
2nd place, 9th Grade Division, Gateway Action Tournament
2nd place, 9th Grade Division, Gateway Junior League
16th place, U1200 Division, National High School Championships
Crossroads players won 14 trophies and 5 medals at these and other USCF tournaments this year.
Congratulations Chess Team!