Chess News: 4/8/2015

April 8, 2015

Nationals departure tomorrow (Thursday)

Parents, please come in with your student in the morning to go over your child’s medication and reserve any cash for food (Middle School students). We will be in the cafeteria. Our departure is at 12:30 pm, and we should arrive at the hotel around 9 pm. We will eat dinner en route. Please check the packing list sent home with the students and in the last email blast. Go team!

Annual Chess Potluck

The chess awards night and potluck is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd, at the Blank/Groark residence in Compton Heights (St. Louis), between 4 and 7 pm. Details to follow.

Gateway Chess Awards

The annual awards buffet will be held Wednesday, May 6th, at Golden Corral, 6110 S. Lindbergh. Dinner at 6:30, awards at 7:30. All students who played on Wednesdays or Thursdays this year are invited.