Chess News: 12/2/15


High school varsity league begins today!

All matches are on Wednesday.  Home matches begin between 3:30 and 4 pm.  We depart for away matches at 3:15 pm (2:45 for Alton, Belleville West).  Please contact Howard if you can help drive for any away match.

December 2 @ Grand Center Arts Academy
December 9 home vs. Vianney B
December 16 bye
January 13 @Belleville West
January 20 home vs. Belleville East
January 27 @Alton
February 3 home vs. SLUH
February 10 @Metro
February 17 home vs. John Burroughs
February 24 playoffs—Quarterfinals
March 2 playoffs—Semifinals
March 9 playoffs—Finals

Tournament this Saturday at Chaminade

Depart from Crossroads: 7:30 AM (sharp)

Tournament ends: 7:30 pm, with an awards ceremony.  Return to school around 8:00 pm.  Middle school players may be picked up at 6:30 at Chaminade.

Cost of tournament: There are no tournament registration fees this year for our players, but USCF membership is required.  Players must either show proof of membership or purchase membership at the tournament.

There will be a limited supply of $9 memberships while supplies last.  I suggest students bring cash for payment, in case these run out.

Standard membership prices:

ages 16 and up: $26.00 (add extra $7 for Chess Life Magazine)
ages 13 to 15: $22.00 (add $7 for Chess Life)
under 13: $17.00 (add $7 for Chess Life)

Two more weeks for Middle School Chess

We have a match Tuesday after school on December 8th and 15th.  We will depart from Crossroads at 3:45 pm.  All matches take place at McKinley Classical Junior Academy.

Upcoming Saturday Tournaments and Events

Attendance at State, plus three additional tournaments (or their equivalent in weekday matches), is required to attend Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia,  next spring.

December 5 Chaminade Board Tournament (see announcement above)
January 9  Sperreng MS Class Tournament
January 23 Pattonville Team Tournament
February 14 Trivia Night Fundraiser at Crossroads
February 20 Saint Louis University Action Tournament
March 5 (tentative) Wydown MS Spring Open
March 19 (tentative) State Championships, Columbia, MO
March 29 -April 4 Nationals, Atlanta, GA

Chess gear

We have an exciting new image on the back of silkscreened items this year  Be a proud “chess mom” or “chess dad” and show your support for the team, too.  Students may wish to have multiple shirts for our trip to Nationals.  Please have order forms in to Howard by December 7 to ensure delivery in January.

(click for gear order)