Academic Excellence at Crossroads: A Message from Mark and Sarah

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Our raison d’etre is the academic preparation of our community of scholars for their future. We strive to see and support our students as unique individuals in pursuit of this goal. Because our students know they are needed and valued, because they are allowed to come as themselves, they bring an openness as well as a sense of purpose to their academic pursuits. We believe in them and thus they grow to believe in their potential as well, engaging authentically and fully with their course work and projects. This month of May is the shining example of this driving purpose.

Personalizing Academic Excellence  Mastery Learning Projects (MLP): 
This month, independent scholars present their research and stories as part of their Mastery Learning Projects, and new scholars propose new projects and are reviewed by a committee of students and staff.

Planning for Academic Success – Registration and 5th Day
Shadi, our Director of Curriculum, is meeting with small groups of students to plan their courses for next year. Our college advisor meets personally with the rising seniors to plan their schedules to tailor their class load to their college goals. This personalized approach, coordinated with advice from the college consultant and school counselor, allows us to plan the best path for each of our students, and they are individuals!

Recognizing Academic Achievement – Awards:
We recently celebrated the achievements of students who excel in academics, athletics, and other aspects of the Crossroads community at our Annual Awards Day.

One of the most important moments of the year is graduation, when we celebrate each of our seniors and their time with us, hearing primarily their voices as they reflect on their journey, memories, and advice. Please join us on May 21st at 3 p.m. for this capstone event. 

– Mark & Sarah