A Note from Admissions


Applications are rolling in and we are very excited to welcome new students and families. If you have a neighbor or friend who you believe would love it here, please encourage him/her to be in touch with our admission office ASAP. The deadline to apply for 9th grade is December 18, and the deadline to apply for all other grades is January 15, 2016. We will begin our rolling admission season in April if necessary, but we anticipate that several grades will be filled in this first round of applications.

We also wanted to share with you a decision Crossroads has made around advertising. Publications are adding “best schools,” “best independent schools,” and “best private schools” guides to their editorial lineups. Many local publications now have four or more opportunities each year to advertise in these “best of” publications, however, schools are only included in these guides if advertising is purchased. This does not feel inclusive or Crossroadian and honestly, it is very expensive (price also limits schools’ abilities to participate). We will no longer be advertising in these books. This will give us advertising dollars to spend elsewhere and it will also allow us to advertise in a more meaningful (read: bigger) way in the publications that do aim to be inclusive and thorough when offering guides to St. Louis families. We welcome your thoughts about this decision and thank you for your support. Word of mouth continues to be the best way to reach out to prospective families and we believe that this purposeful marketing decision is an important reflection of who we are, what we value and how we want to represent our school to the greater St. Louis community.