American Mathematics Competition Middle School Winners


DSC_0846Crossroads administered the AMC8 (American Mathematics Competition for 8th grade) to all our middle school students.
Our grade-level winners are as follows:
7th Grade:
1st place – Harbor Wolff
2nd place – Kyle Tomasula
3rd place – Isaac Lake
8th Grade:
1st place – Russell Bigham
2nd place – Lily Yang
3rd place – Nick Babusis, Daniel Baumstark, Camden Breckenridge, and Ernie McCarter
Congratulations to all our students for taking on this interesting and challenging math test, and a special congratulations to our top finishers!  Well done!!
A little more about these tests from the Mathematical Association of America’s website:

For more than 60 years, students across the country have taken up the challenge of America’s longest-running and most prestigious math contests, The American Mathematics Competitions (AMC). Every year, at thousands of schools in every state, more than 350,000 students are presented with a set of questions rich in content, designed to make them think and sure to leave them talking.

Dedicated to strengthening the mathematical capabilities of our nation’s youth, the AMC program identifies, recognizes, and rewards excellence in mathematics through a series of national contests.

Please note: The AMC10 and AMC12 are given at a different time of year.  Students in 9th-12th grades will take them soon.