40th Anniversary Celebration

May 27, 2015


The 40th Anniversary celebration last Friday for Crossroads was a success! I want to thank all of you who were able to come for spending your time there. Board member, Patty Hagen, donated the space at T-REX, and Heather Lake’s work to make sure that the event was as relaxed as it was celebratory really paid off. Thank you, Heather! Heather’s relationship with Arthur Lieber, our co-founder, has been of great benefit to our school and to me.

Arthur Lieber did an excellent job of summarizing our short history as well as naming both the spoken and unspoken values upon which he and this co-founder, Carol, built Crossroads. These values are still a part of who we are today: empathy, relationship, and kindness. He also did a good job of making us laugh with his political asides and his Arthur-like honesty and commentary. Finally, though, he strongly affirmed his support of Crossroads and our work and direction. This was very satisfying to hear.

During my remarks, I announced that a longtime fan of Arthur Lieber has donated money to establish the Arthur Lieber Active Citizen Award to honor one graduating senior from Crossroads. This senior must demonstrate a passion for and commitment to progressive social change through engagement in civic activities, just as Arthur Lieber does.

Zack, our Board Chair, also spoke. It is clear that he believes in our mission, what we model as a school, and what we offer our students and our city. His passion and commitment are evident in his remarks, his generosity, and his service on our board. One of my favorite moments was when he shared that after visiting Crossroads, Rachel remarked that she had found the missing piece for their St. Louis experience. After all that she, and Zack, came to love about St. Louis, it is Crossroads that completed the picture and the experience for them and their family.

Even though this is the last week of school, there is still learning, reflecting, and meaning making to be done in our classrooms. I hope that sharing all of this offers a bit of a charge as we power through this last week. Certainly, with our middle schoolers back from their camp experience, energy has abounded throughout the school.

My first year as Head of School has been fun, challenging, and rewarding. The generosity, humility, and authenticity of our students, faculty, staff, and community are good models for me personally and professionally, and I look forward to many more years to come.

With great expectations,