Together at Home: Summer Plans During COVID


photo of young woman

Senior Amma Bromley-Perry’s photography was featured in a book of poetry titled Chrysalis.

During a typical summer, our students are attending camps, taking enrichment classes, visiting colleges, serving as lifeguards, camp counselors, and archery instructors, and traveling abroad. This summer made most of those plans impossible to achieve.

Crossroads students found ways to spend their time at home in creative ways that range from pursuing academics, the arts, and strengthening family connections. Here are a few examples shared from parents and students:

  • Senior Amma Bromley-Perry’s photography was featured in a book of poetry titled Chrysalis. Her work can be seen on Instagram @ammab.p
  • Ninth grader Bryan Ammons made math videos helping a company with peer to peer online teaching.
  • Tenth grader Jackson Turnage took daily bike rides and played chess with others around the world.
  • Tenth grader Jordan Glover was an art apprentice at STL Artworks this summer.
  • Tenth grader Tate Morgan built the computer he’s now using for virtual learning.
  • Senior Claire Guest made six photo albums for her mom Liz and is running the virtual Lewis & Clark run across Missouri.
  • Tenth grader Sarah Herzog accomplished 342 miles for a “virtual mission” through Camp Minewanka. She accumulated 342 miles of athletic activity between July 1- August 23. It was mostly biking but included swim practice, hiking and tennis.