Thank You for a Great Homecoming Week!

November 7, 2014

Our soccer team’s successes added extra excitement to what is always a fun time of year. Dress-up days, Halloween Candygrams, the Halloween Costume Contest, the Pep Rally, and the Homecoming Dance made for a very full week of fun. Many thanks to Student Council for coordinating the week’s events. Saturday night’s dance, An Evening Under the Stars, was a beautiful way to end this week of celebrating all things Crossroads.  The dance was planned by a capable sophomore team led by 10th grade StuCo Representative Annie Chappell. Support from a crew of students from all grades, faculty, and staff helped pull it all together. THANK YOU also to our Homecoming Dance Parent Volunteers!  We could not have done it without you. You are so generous with your time and talents, and that helps make terrific things happen for the students.


The Homecoming Dance Committee Chair, Sophomore Annie, (left) and the StuCo VP, Sophomore Faith, announced the court members. Freshman Court Member Nyla is seated at left, and Sophomore Court Member Elysse is at right.


Homecoming Court 2014, Seniors to Freshman, left to right: Front row: Jasmyne (Queen), Kayla, Elysse, and Nyla Back row: Caleb (King), Enoch, Carter, and Kellen