Election Week in Washington D.C.

February 24, 2016

Students in 10th-12th grade are invited to join Brittyne Fitzgerald for a week in Washington D.C. in November.Close Up’s Election Week program provides students with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their Congressional delegation on Capitol Hill and with Washington insiders who play a key role in the American political system. Additionally, students will participate in an exclusive elections issues seminar with prominent DC insiders and a ‘hot topics’ debate that focuses on the divisive issues of the current election cycle, such as gerrymandering, youth voting, and PACs. Participants on our Election Week program will enjoy a special dinner and election event as the voting results come in! The approximate cost of the trip will be $1600 for the week which includes all travel, lodging, food and admission expenses.

Interested parents are invited to attend a meeting on March 17th at 8m at Crossroads. For more information, you can click here to email Brittyne. You can also find more information on the Close Up website by clicking here.

Note: This trip will benefit students enrolled in either Road to the Election or AP Government and Politics for the 2016-2017 school year. The trip in not required for enrollment in those courses.