The 2015 Crossroads College Prep Junior-Senior Prom was fabulous, from the sophisticated venue at Windows On Washington downtown to the elegantly dressed students in attendance. DJ Fred ran the dance floor, the appetizers and desserts were delicious, and a team effort transformed the seventh floor into a magical Arabian Night.
The event was planned as a team effort led by Junior Class StuCo Rep Lily Fitzsimmons. Thanks are due especially to Juniors Julia Weinstock, Sebastien Atienza Batter, Claire Miller, Jordan Brown, Cliff Hardin, Zane Spencer, and Andy Zhang on the Prom committee. The Junior class as a whole embraced the challenge of fundraising through each of their advisories, and Jad’s Life Skills Activity also sold pizza as part of this effort. These successful efforts kept the ticket price to the lowest level in recent memory. Well done! Thanks also to StuCo Treasurer Andrew Adler, Class of 2015, for his support.
Excellent support was given by Junior class advisors Becky Ford, Howard Granok, Jad McDaniel, and Tom Walsh. Many thanks to our Business Office and to Susan Kane for handling ticket sales. Thanks to Mark Norwood for the use of his canopy tent and to the following setup and cleanup volunteers: Marilyn Evans, Andy Zhang, Faith Blank, Howard Granok, David Blank, Corinne Groark, Tripp Hardin, Becky Ford, Ruth Pack-Adler, Buddy Adler, Cordia Young-Brown, Sam Fiorello, Martha Keeley.
We could not have held this beautiful event without our chaperones, who worked in shifts to ensure an excellent atmosphere and celebrate with the students: Becky Ford, Howard Granok, Brittyne Fitzgerald, Christa Denney, Kristen McCullough, Morgan Faulkner, Jad McDaniel, Jason Heisserer, Tom Ward, Martha Keeley.